By Susan on 7-28-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Scrapbook Kits
Christmas is just around the corner, but there is still time to embroider a kitty or two. These images are also part of the vintage Golden Books colouring book.

This tabby cat is so cute. He has the greatest smile on his face. Embroidered in Christmas colours he could adorn a stocking or cavort around a tree skirt.

Do you need a plate of cookies for Santa? This one has several and treated individually they would make cool decorations, embroidered and beaded or painted on felt. They could also be painted onto wood for a more permanent ornament.
By Susan on 7-28-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Scrapbook Kits
A little boy carrying his prize dolphin and a little girl riding the merry-go-round along with her mother.

This little boy caught my eye as he was walking towards his mother. The dolphin toy he is carrying is almost bigger than he is. The coloured shadows of the dolphins as the sun shines through them beside him create a wonderful photo. I wonder who won the dolphin for him?

Is there anything prettier than a little girl on the merry-go-round? This little one is hanging on to her horse, with her mother keeping her safe beside her. For me, this is what a fair is ….. families and their children getting together in our fast paced world, bringing back the feeling of belonging and adventure.
By Susan on 7-28-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Scrapbook Kits
Watch out for the ghosts and goblins tonight. I kept these three photos aside just for tonight’s festivities. All of these photos could be used as backgrounds for a spooky digital collage or inspiration for a dark nighttime quilt.

A summer moon taken on a hot night. The white cedar shadow gives this photo it’s Halloween flavour.

September gives us a different moody moon. The moon this night was a beautiful silver with a big dog ring that picked up the moon shine and through it around the scudding clouds below it.

This is another summer moon. A June moon which was taken on a hot evening and another shadow of a white cedar tree.
By Susan on 7-28-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Scrapbook Kits
The heavy horse breeds are my favourite. Their movement is so powerful and they are so massive. The words “poetry in motion” describe them well.

The silver bridles caught the sun here through the dust. It is a very dramatic photo.

The wagons would come through the gate at speed, showing the power of these magnificent horses. The runner beside them is in full stride as well.

More dust, taking these photos were not easy to do, but well worth it. This wagon of 4 horses was at a trot when turning the corner.

I loved this fellow. He turned right towards me as if to say “you taking MY picture, then let me make it easier for you” or maybe “don’t forget to spell my name right”. He is a beauty.
By Susan on 7-28-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Scrapbook Kits
Santa too needs a rest once in awhile. Here he is snuggled into his favourite chair. This is a colouring page from a Whitman’s Golden Book. Doesn’t Santa look comfortable. It is a very traditional picture. Santa is puffing on his pipe. Mrs. Santa must be a very patient wife, baking cookies for Santa and the elves all year round and putting up with that cloud of smoke.

This Santa picture would look good painted on a window for the holiday season. He could also adorn a pillow or lap quilt for the favourite man on your list. Reduced in size and embroidered onto a small square of red cotton he could hang around on your tree or on a gift bow.

Although this pretty little party basket was also among the Golden Book pages it would be at home at any time of the year. For Christmas a white frilly basket with a red bow and candy striped handle applique around a tree skirt could adorn the Christmas tree and done in redwork around a circular table cloth to match would make a great holiday conversation piece.
By Susan on 7-28-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Scrapbook Kits
After taking photos in Appleton, Ontario we travelled next door to Almonte. It too is on the Mississippi River. Almonte is a pretty, small town that has many vintage homes and shops as well as some newer stores to keep up with their growing population.

The Mississippi River is low this year and many rock outcrops are showing. This photo was taken from the bridge

Reflections of the trees across the river, this photo is part of the dam at Almonte. It shows the old stone mill on the left hand side.

A bend in the Mississippi River, taken from the bridge shows off the Autumn colours in the Ottawa Valley.

This photo shows how low the water levels are in the Mississippi River this year. It shows how rocky this part of the Ottawa Valley is. Ottawa itself was built from swamp, but the western end of the Valley changes to rock. This is the last of the Autumn photos of the Ottawa Valley for this year. A cold front has moved in with lots of rain. When it is over the leaves will have fallen. Halloween is right around the corner.
By Susan on 7-28-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Scrapbook Kits
Autumn in the Ottawa Valley…my heart leaps at the sight of the burning colours on the horizon at this time of year. Is there anything quite so spectacular? The light and shadows play along the rivers creating serene outlooks wherever you cast your eyes or camera.

My favourite photo of the blue heron at Andy Haydon Park while he is fishing for his dinner. He is a magnificent bird and would look good worked into a landscape or art quilt.

On our way to the Carp Fair this year we were halted in traffic and I was able to snap this photo of the trees. Carp has rolling farmland which is mostly rock, but good for grazing animals. It is a beautiful country area of Ottawa.

A trip out to Appleton, a very small town in the Valley. The Mississippi River flows through the town which has many heritage homes. Unspoiled by new houses it is an absolutely heavenly village to stop and take photos.

Weeping willows growing on the banks of the Mississippi in Appleton present the prettiest photo ever. The day was so peaceful and bright and this was the last day of Indian Summer. This willow would make a great landscape quilt.

The last photo of Appleton with the Mississippi River reflecting the tree colours back upon itself. This would be a pretty town to live in.
By Susan on 7-28-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Scrapbook Kits
During a trip to Andy Haydon Park in West End Ottawa I was able to snap photos of some of the wildlife. I think they may have been posing for me hoping I would be on my way, thinking “tourists”. It was a sunny afternoon, one of those lazy days when you just want to get away and forget your everyday life.

The great blue heron had his patience rewarded when he caught a big mudpout. He stood in the pond so still until he saw the right moment to capture his dinner. A magnificent bird.

This grey squirrel was napping in the afternoon sun and didn’t notice me at first. A very interesting photo.

Whoops! He caught me with my camera snapping his photo. What a character he is.

The park is full of Canada geese and when the heron crossed the pond to eat his fish the geese lined up in the water around him. I wonder why? Once he had swallowed his fish and taken off the geese separated and swam away.
By Susan on 7-28-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Scrapbook Kits
My visit to the Almonte Textile Museium during this year’s Fiberfest was a wonderful treat. Upstairs there is a wonderful display of machinery as well as wooden spools and spindles. I spent almost two hours there taking one shot after another knowing they would be beautiful. I love earth tones and the machines are rusted, the spindles and spools are made of wood that has been polished through long handling. One word describes them to me and that is magnificent.

Spools and spindles are sitting in large cardboard boxes beside the machines they were used on.

This Toledo weigh scale caught my attention as I was leaving and had to go back to take more photos. I love the colours and the inner workings of this piece of equipment.

Shuttles were displayed in a box as well. How many hands have used these tools? How I wish they could tell us their stories.

By Susan on 7-28-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Scrapbook Kits
Pumpkins, wheat and corn cobs fill this cornucopia. It is a perfect embroidery pattern for this time of year. This is another pattern from the vintage McCall’s transfer books.

This cornucopia would be great on your Thanksgiving table as a runner or table mats. As an embroidered centerpiece among a maple leaf blocks it would be stunning, or used as a pattern for an appliqued block it would be a more modern table quilt.
By Susan on 7-28-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Scrapbook Kits
These are my first ATCs. The topic was the Wild West and I thought of Gene Autry right away. When I was a young girl my mother made me a cowgirl outfit for my birthday and added cowgirl boots, hat, guns and holster. I wore them to the Toronto Canadian Exhibition where Gene was starring. He spotted me and waved Hi. A great memory.

Gene Autry sang “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer” as well as other cowboy and Christmas songs. I can still remember him singing them.

These ATCs were so much fun to make, beginning with finding vintage images to putting them together along with backgrounds in Photoshop using layers, styles and filters to make them all fit on the little 2 1/2″ x 3 1/2″ cards. I made the decision to sew them together to continue on using fabric for my creations.
By Susan on 7-28-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Scrapbook Kits
This is my first posting for September … what a busy month! Between working on a quilt, several other small projects and putting away some of the produce in abundance this time of the year my days were very full with little time to spare.

One of the projects I was working on was this little animated story about a little girl. When I first saw these vintage images I knew I had to use them. They are wonderful and the story they tell is very poignant. I used layers and shapes as well as brushes and styles in photoshop to create this little gif.
By Susan on 7-28-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Scrapbook Kits
These two ladies are two of a set that was published in the McCall’s Iron On Transfers Vol IV. They could be embroidered on linen towels for a great Christmas gift. Done in cobalt blue, turkey red or forest green they would stand out beside matching terry towels. These ladies could also be added to an old fashioned pinwheel quilt with appliqued dresses. A smaller version of one would also look right at home on the top of an embroidery case.

By Susan on 7-28-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Scrapbook Kits
This embroidery page was published in the Cross Stitch and Country Crafts supplement. The ghost and jack-o-lantern could be embroidered on a black background and the witch could be given an appliqued dress and hat on a golden moon background. All three embroidered with metallic thread or the new ‘glow in the dark’ threads could look very spooky with the lights out at a halloween party.

By Susan on 7-28-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Scrapbook Kits
These three rugs are hooked. What a great way to recycle your old woolens or sew the motives onto a background using wool felt. Done in bright colours, they could be updated to look right at home in today’s home. Treated as a center piece on a whole cloth quilt would make a great conversation piece for your next stay over guest.

I have posted the heart pattern. I thought it is the most current looking and could also be used on a pillow as a valentine gift next year.

If you would like all three patterns you can download the pdf document here:
Vintage Wedding Rug patterns, McCall’s Magazine Feb 1986
By Susan on 7-28-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Scrapbook Kits
On a beautiful summer day in August the Ottawa River calls. The sailboats were out on the water, the sun was shining, just enough wind to power the boats with a hazy sky and the Gatineau Hills in the background.

This photo reminds me of the pictures of tropical islands. The branches of the pine tree show off the sky, water and beach. What a great landscape quilt this photo would make.

There were a lot of sailboats on the river, but this one in the distance, with the Gatineau hills in the background looks so peaceful on this hazy summer day.

Another photo of the Ottawa River from under three branches. I think they frame the river dramatically.
By Susan on 7-28-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Scrapbook Kits
One bright and sunny day a Monarch came to visit. It spread it’s wings just long enough for me to snap a photograph.

When I was young they were numerous and you would see them almost every day. Now it is rare to see one at all and we have seen two this year. I will use this photo in a collage, soon, to honour this beautiful butterfly.

A Scotch Thistle that is growing in the rocks by the Ottawa River is sporting a bumble bee. What a pretty colour these thistles are.
By Susan on 7-28-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Scrapbook Kits
This is my first mixed media card. I created it in Photoshop, no gluing or paper has actually been involved. The background was painted in gradients with colours chosen from the image. The butterflies are painted with a brush with a lower opacity. The image is courtesy of Dover Books through their free images they send every Friday. You can sign up for their free images here: Dover Publications The large butterfly is a photoshop shape that I beveled and embossed. The words were given an outer glow and the “adore” was also beveled. The edges of the image were filtered to give it a ragged look and I beveled them as well to make it look like it was set into a frame. I also beveled the outer border and then flattened the layers and saved it as a jpeg.

I am very pleased with this first try at a card.
By Susan on 7-28-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Scrapbook Kits
This pretty, huge woodpecker and two others were hammering away at our willow tree early in the morning. This photo was taken from my window. Hanging out the window, trying not to scare away these terrific visitors and still keeping hold of the camera all at the same time was hilarious.

This was a new family of woodpeckers, Mom, Pop and the youngster. They kept moving to the other side of the tree, so getting a good photo was almost impossible. so glad I did manage to snap a decent one.

Brown-eyed Susans are one of my favourite flowers. So sunny and bright, growing wild in among the grasses in the field. They would be so pretty embroidered onto a bright and sunny quilt along with white daisies and Queen Annes lace.

The play of shadows along with the flowers creates a beautiful photo.

The last of the Brown-eyed Susan photos. They make my heart skip a beat they are so pretty.
By Susan on 7-28-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Scrapbook Kits
After a heavy downpour the sun came out and every plant that had a drop of water reflected the light. It was a beautiful sight.

I almost missed these pretty mushrooms. They are huddled, growing on an old root of a Chinese Elm that has since grown back. Stunning growths that were gone two days later. It looks so peaceful under them, I wonder… that a rain fairy I see in their shade?

My day lilies are stunning at any time with their bright orange petals. Add a few raindrops and they outshine any other flower in the yard.

More lilies, growing in clumps in the borders along the fence, make for a magnificent display. They were breathtaking after the rain.

This photo was not taken just after the rain, but on a bright and sunny day, in the field behind our yard. Even grasses have their place among the wild flowers.
By Susan on 7-28-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Scrapbook Kits
Bouquets of flowers were very popular and this pattern was published in the McCall’s transfer book Vol IV in 1977. It would still look right at home on a linen towel, hanging in your kitchen.

This vintage pattern would look stunning in blue work on an eggshell background or you could use a fully coloured version on a pure white. Just right for gift giving when going to a summer party.
By Susan on 7-28-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Scrapbook Kits
It is wonderfully hot today and has been all through our Canada Day Holiday weekend. Summer is finally here. I thought it was a good time to post something for Christmas.

I found this Christmas page folded and wrinkled in a book. It is one of Joan Walsh Anglund’s pages. Isn’t it pretty? I made a new background page in Photoshop, fixed the images and moved them over so it looks just like it did when it was new. These little ornaments could be printed onto card stock for your little ones to put together. Wouldn’t their little faces be cute when they hang something pretty on the tree that they have made? Some of them could also be used in your scrap booking projects or card making. Joan’s little images are all so appealing. They would also look great printed on transfer paper for pressing onto a cotton Christmas stocking.
By Susan on 7-28-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Scrapbook Kits
Paper dolls have always been one of my favourites. These paper dolls were published first in the McCalls Winter 1924-25 Needlework Magazine, then again in their September 1988 Magazine. What fun these must have been to mommy’s little girl if she was allowed to actually cut them out and play with them. They would make a great gift for the paper doll collector in your family.

Molly McCall has two pets, Blinky and Winx who have their own accessories. Molly also has her doll with her and a clown suit to wear.

Baby Jean has her own French nurse, Celeste, along with her own Christmas tree and a place to lay her head when she takes a nap.
By Susan on 7-28-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Scrapbook Kits
Santa is a great subject even in June. This cute Santa was published in the McCall’s Needlework December 1987 Magazine as an ornament for your door. Isn’t he the cutest and he has lots of potential.

I think Santa would make a cool Christmas card with a money gift in his sack or as part of a table mat with the spoon for your Christmas oatmeal in that same sack. He would also look very handsome on a Christmas stocking or marching around a tree skirt.

This pattern is so simple it could be used to cut a Santa cookie, decorated in lots of red icing and coconut for his beard. What fun for the kids it would be to decorate him.
By Susan on 7-28-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Scrapbook Kits
This vintage pattern was published in the McCall’s 1977 Needlework Magazine. They used it to paint ceramic tiles…it even has a fire hydrant and a little dog. The city dweller on your gift list would be happy to receive a creation made with this pretty pattern.

These brownstones would be very sophisticated painted onto a silk scarf. As a pillow top they would set off a white couch or could be done in bright colours as well. Embroidered onto linen and stretched into a frame could be another way of creating your own masterpiece with this pretty pattern. A whole cloth quilt of ecru cotton with the brownstones embroidered in bright white would make a lovely spread for a bed as well.

By Susan on 7-28-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Scrapbook Kits
A very pretty ground cover grows under our Chinese elm tree. The variegated leaves below the flowers gives the photo a painted look….the photo was taken from above in the shade of the elm.

This wild asparagus plant has been growing for over 40 years. We had a little dog that used to seek it out and chomp it down as quickly as it could grow, she loved it. It grows into this huge tall fern every year and this year it has numerous blossoms.

These little bells give a misty quality to the photo, so many different shades of green.

Our weeping willow still has one living side, for how long I don’t know….it is one of my favourite trees. It is over 40 years old as well. Poor old tree has been hit several times by lightning, lost large limbs during the ice storm in 1998 and the half that is missing was blown down during a winter wind storm. It would make a good subject for a landscape quilt.
By Susan on 7-28-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Scrapbook Kits
What a great pair these two make. As pillows they could adorn a young girl’s bed. They were published in the McCall’s Iron On Transfers, Volume V, Memory Lane book.

Embroidered on muslin, the girl in pink and the boy in blue, they would be very traditional. They could also be used as a quilt pattern, the girl with a pastel pink dress, hat and shoes, the boy in a royal blue suit with embroidered gold buttons. I think they would be fun on a quilt with the fronts on the top of the quilt and the backs on the bottom.

They could also be reduced to a 6″ size and worked in redwork to join with others in a quilt or quilted in red dress and suit for Christmas pillows to decorate the couch during the holiday.
By Susan on 7-28-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Scrapbook Kits

Number four of the series. The forest collage was done with a rock background coloured green on the bottom half and blue on the top half with a transparency. I layered maple tree flowers, mushrooms, fern and a piece of bark. This was moved onto another background of spruce boughs which was lightened.

Number three of the series. This collage started with a filtered photo of Ottawa River rocks, then a sky of migrating Canada Geese moved onto it.

Number 2 of the series. The same sky of migrating geese was moved onto a full moon background and made transparent. An unusual time to see geese flying.

Number 1 of the series. This stand of birch trees was filtered and then moved onto the same full moon and then made transparent. A very eerie collage.
By Susan on 7-28-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Scrapbook Kits

This embroidery pattern for ‘baby’ was published in the McCall’s Iron On Transfer Book, Volume V. Wouldn’t it look sweet on the ‘overflap’ of a baby’s blanket? What a great way to show off your needlework skills along with your latest addition.

Another embroidery from the McCall’s Iron On Transfer Book, Volume II….A full sized deer with a youngster. They would be perfect on a dark background in a man’s den or even dad’s chair. I can also see them on a whole cloth quilt or a Christmas table cloth.
By Susan on 7-28-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Scrapbook Kits

Wild violets have grown in a damp patch of lawn. What a wonderful surprise they are. I love wild flowers. The violet flower seems to almost be floating in this photo.

I have been capturing photos of this fungus since early spring, watching it grow into this huge clump on an old tree stump. A very fascinating plant that grew from what looked almost like a square stump of last year’s growth. The different hues of brown and cream are very pretty.

One day when the rain was streaming, our maple tree had these bubbles forming at the base, close to the ground. The bubbles were running down the trunk of the tree with the rain. How odd. I’ve never seen anything like it before and this tree is well over 30 years old. If anybody recognizes it please leave a message.

Another photo of the wild violets. They are so tiny and I almost stepped on them the other day. I have marked them so they get a chance to finish blooming before cutting that bit of grass. I don’t think they would be there except for the extra rain we have had this spring.
By Susan on 7-28-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Scrapbook Kits

Our plum tree is the first fruit tree to blossom….and the first to lose them. This tree was planted by an errant seed and shouldn’t actually be growing this far north. It has only kept it’s blossoms long enough to produce plums once. Normally rain as in this year or frost will take them before they are ready to go. Plum flowers cluster in groups and become spectacular if only for a week.

Parrot tulips are my favourites. This red tulip with it’s shades of yellow throughout the center as well as traces in the petals looks like silk shining in the sun.

Another parrot, which is just starting to open. Later in the day its petals will be flat rather than upright in a normal tulip. It is very showy and delicate. I love this bright shade of yellow….like the sun it is reflecting.
By Susan on 7-28-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Scrapbook Kits

Another challenge quilt with the Valerie Hearder Landscape Quilt Yahoo Group….what fun to do. The willow in the quilt was created in honour of our fallen weeping willow. It fell so hard this winter it has ‘drilled’ itself into the winter earth. I created the willow branches using untwisted poly/cotton strands. I tripled a strand, tied a knot in one end and then sewed each strand by hand onto the tree trunk. It took over 14 hours of work. I also couched the strands down with matching thread to keep the branches from spreading outside the working area. Although it was time consuming I think it was very successful….it does look like a willow tree. I also used ribbons, chain link, lace, crocheted cord, beads as well as watercolour pencils to add to the ‘fairytale’ look of the quilt.
By Susan on 7-28-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Scrapbook Kits
The sun is shining and spring is warming into summer…the crocus, sadly are gone, in their place are red and yellow tulips and white lilies.

These lilies are very delicate and will be gone in about two days. Rain, when first blooming decreased their life span substantially.

This red tulip, almost in full bloom caught my eye with it’s yellow streaks throughout its petals.

There is always one in the mix that is different. The rest of the yellow tulips are parrot tulips with big floppy petals. This one of a kind has a much lighter tone and reminds me more of a rose colour. It is growing right in the middle of the other yellow tulips and stands out as an individual.
By Susan on 7-28-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Scrapbook Kits

These four friendly little cookie cutter ornaments could adorn a Christmas stocking or tree skirt as well as hanging around on your tree. A smaller version would look great as tags on your Christmas presents. They would stand out using redwork or bluework embroidery on muslin on a table runner, especially if they were done in bright metalic threads. How about marching them along a baby’s bib or blanket? They were published in the McCall’s Creative Crafts, Volume 19 magazine.

If you would like all four of the ornaments you can download a pdf document for them here: Christmas Cookie Cutter Ornaments
By Susan on 7-28-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Scrapbook Kits

Our resident Yellow Bellied Sap Sucker is back for the summer. He will knock on any metal around the yard including the aluminum step ladder. He sure makes a noise ! And does it carry ! I’m sure you can hear him for miles

I have three questions. The first…. how and when did they learn to knock on metal instead of trees to announce their presence? The second…..How do they manage to keep their bills in good shape….that’s gotta hurt !! The third….Do they ever get a headache?
By Susan on 7-28-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Scrapbook Kits
These vintage cyclists are too cute ! They are more patterns published in the McCall’s Iron On Transfers, Volume V, Memory Lane book. Blue or black work on a white background and framed would stand out on any wall along with a shadow portrait or two.

In my mind I can see this couple updated and appliqued onto a homespun pillow top along with embroidery for the faces and bikes, resting on a wicker patio love seat. What fun !

By Susan on 7-28-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Scrapbook Kits

These are the postcards I have sent to Ireland for the Irish Patchwork Society 30th Birthday National EXhibition. I used three of my own photos along with machine and hand embroidery and beads. There is still time to send cards. They should arrive by the end of May. You can find the rules and regulations on my blog here: International Fabric Postcard Exhibition…..Ireland International Fabric POstcard Exhibition, Ireland These cards will be exhibited at the Botanic Gardens in Glasnevin, Dublin. They will also be exhibited at the Knitting and Stitching Show in November. They will then be sold and the proceeds will go to the Marie Keating Foundation…….Which is a Breast Cancer Charity in Ireland.
By Susan on 7-28-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Scrapbook Kits

An embroidery pattern to stitch from the McCall’s transfer book Vol IV, 1977. Whether you decide to stitch these flowers in bright, bold colours or pastels it will bring Spring and Summer into your home. If you have a cottage it would look right at home on a pillow or table runner. Seed beads would look good adorning the centers as well as decorating the butterflies.

By Susan on 7-28-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Scrapbook Kits
These two little guys were published in McCall’s Jan/Feb 1982 Needlework Magazine. They graced a bright yellow insert for extra Christmas ideas and did not have a finished product photo. I have coloured the pair to give you an idea of what they would look like painted. They would be perfect for a redwork Christmas pillow or appliqued onto Christmas stockings.

You could print out these coloured elves for your youngster to cut out and hang on the tree or on a gift.

Wool felt would make bright little elves for your Christmas tree and the scraps could be used on a smaller version for cards.
By Susan on 7-28-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Scrapbook Kits
While I have been waiting for the rain to stop and the sun to shine I put together two collaged cards. For the first collage I used the yellow crocus. I painted the background, added moss from one of our trees then created a crocus brush. A very interesting piece of work, my first attempt at using the Photoshop layers in this way.

I chose the purple crocus for the second collage. I painted the background in this piece as well, and created another crocus brush which I used in two different sizes and colours to add depth to the piece.

I like the way the crocus flowers seem to float on air in both these collages and the moss takes on a character all of it’s own. Both of the collages would make great fabric postcards, especially with added embroidered embellishments.
By Susan on 7-28-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Scrapbook Kits

What a great cat with oodles of potential. It was published in the McCall’s Fall/Winter 1972-73 needlework magazine. He was stitched onto a pillow. I can now see him enlarged and worked in crazy quilt. Anybody have a lot of little scraps just asking to be put into a cat pattern? Printed or dyed multiple times onto fabric and then stitched and beaded would make a very handsome kitty wall hanging.

By Susan on 7-28-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Scrapbook Kits

What a great way to decorate a box. This bunny and box were published in the McCall’s Needlework January/February 1982 magazine. He would look good on a box and matching table runner. Just right to decorate the Easter dinner table. I can see him hopping onto the bib of an apron or the bib of your own little Easter bunny. This would be a great solid bunny to use for potato stamping onto a carry all or tote as well.
