I haven’t had time to post these pieces separately so thought I’d do them all at one time … November has been a busy month digitally.
This first page was done for my own challenge “your favourite book”. Wuthering Heights has always been a book that haunts me and I have read it several times. This piece is a composition of several photos from Deviant Arts site and the Morgue Files site.

What if challenge … at first I didn’t think I would do this one because I decided years ago not to look back and ask ‘what if’. Then I thought of another way to set down these words. I’ve always loved watching the crows play in the thermals going up, up, up until they are just a speck against the blue of the sky and then soaring down in those same thermals. Crows are the only birds I have seen actually play, how awesome. The photos used in this piece are all from the Morgue Files site.

Stretch your wings challenge … we were to create a leaf and then use it in a page. I painted a maple leaf then added the real one with filters to create several different ones. The Maple Leaf Forever just seemed to be so right for this challenge.

Middle passage and Sea Fever were created using Jilbert’s Bits of Bytes frame and brush mini kits. I chose a sailing theme for both of these pages which were the main November challenge. You can find Jil’s kits here: Jilbert’s Bits of Bytes

Mr. Wonderful is a tribute to our Canada geese who mate for life and look after their family to the death if need be. You see the gander with his head up and watching as his family feeds. He is Mr. Wonderful. This page was done during November’s progressive scrap.
