By Susan on 7-01-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Digital Images + Collage, Just Art, Just Art Challenge, Vintage

These Easter embroidery motives were published in the 1992 insert for the Cross Stitch and Country Crafts Magazine. Aren’t they cute? There are several to chose from. They would look great hopping over your own Easter bunny’s blanket and bibs or on a little crib quilt. They could be enlarged and appliqued onto a larger quilt as well. Wouldn’t the little bunny on the ball look cute painted on a nursery wall?
By Susan on 7-01-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Digital Images + Collage, Just Art, Just Art Challenge, Vintage

This spring’s crocus are breathtaking. Such a delicate purple with darker lines of deep colour.

I couldn’t choose which photo to post so I am posting all three. They look like they were painted onto fine china.

These yellow crocus glow with colour, reaching out for the sun’s rays. Stunning….I wish they could stay blooming for longer.

Again, I could not make a decision of which photo to post so I am posting both.

By Susan on 7-01-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Digital Images + Collage, Just Art, Just Art Challenge, Vintage
Spring in the Ottawa Valley…..the crocus are ready to bloom. The purple crocus are so pretty this year. The variegated tones of purple stand out against the grey and brown of last autumn’s leaves.

These yellow buds are a delicate shade, much like the new spring sun.

Our resident bunny has made an appearance as well. Here he is munching on his favourite salad. I wonder is he related to Peter, the storybook rabbit of our childhoods?

By Susan on 7-01-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Digital Images + Collage, Just Art, Just Art Challenge, Vintage

These two little companions are too cute. With that self satisfied smile on the kitten, it makes you wonder just what he is dreaming of. They were published in a Whitman Golden Limited vintage colouring book. This little colouring book has great pictures for Christmas embroidery and I will post one each month. Wouldn’t this cat and mouse look at home on a pillow for that special little someone? They could also adorn a Christmas stocking.
By Susan on 7-01-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Digital Images + Collage, Just Art, Just Art Challenge, Vintage

I have several vintage McCall’s Iron On Transfer Books. I will post these pages throughout the year. The first transfer book is the McCall’s Iron On Transfer Memory Lane, Vol V. There are some wonderful transfers to embroider including cross stitch motives. Check out the price for the book.

The first transfers I am posting are these vintage trains. Just in time for Father’s Day in June they would look great on tea towels (for those guys who do their own and other’s dishes). I think it only fair to give them some towels of their own. They would also look good on a pillow for his favourite arm chair or a cover for his CD case.
By Susan on 7-01-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Digital Images + Collage, Just Art, Just Art Challenge, Vintage

The Cross Stitch and Country Crafts Magazine was a great little magazine and this insert from 1992 has plenty of cute and timely embroidery patterns. This month I am posting the wedding and anniversary page. If you need a cute embroidery for that spring or summer bride this would be ideal. It could be used as a gift tag or embroidered onto a little ring pillow. The anniversary pattern would be great with a photo of the couple printed in the center or on an album cover with photos from their life together. Both frames could be used for quilt labels as well.

By Susan on 7-01-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Digital Images + Collage, Just Art, Just Art Challenge, Vintage

These elves which were published in the McCall’s December 1986 Needlework Magazine are so cute and versatile. They are shown hanging on the tree, under the tree on a tree skirt as well as book ends. I made them in felt and placed tags in their hands for presents as well. What great cushions they would make from an enlarged pattern. Very easy to sew or paint as well, so would work up quickly. Their striped arms and legs would lend themselves to beads and laces for gift giving.

I have posted one pattern here and there are two more in the 240 kb pdf document below. Have fun.
Christmas Elves, McCall’s December 1986 Needlework Magazine
By Susan on 7-01-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Digital Images + Collage, Just Art, Just Art Challenge, Vintage

A vintage stained glass pattern can lend itself to a pretty quilt label or book plate. The panel was published in the McCall’s Needlework Fall/Winter 1974 magazine. A silk scarf, painted with this pattern would make a great gift. It would also be a very pretty used for discharge dying. I liked the pattern so much I coloured it to use as a quilt label. It would also be great quilted and beaded onto the flap of a little fabric envelope along with a little chain for a handle.

Here is a pdf document containing the photo, pattern and three quilt labels. McCall’s fall/winter 1974 stained glass pattern and quilt labels
By Susan on 7-01-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Digital Images + Collage, Just Art, Just Art Challenge, Vintage

The first cards are from an exchange last fall…..colourful buildings. The theme was chosen after Valerie Hearder posted some photos from her holiday in Mexico. The buildings were fantastic. Then the on-line conversation drifted to Newfoundland and the other Eastern Provinces where they also have such pretty and uniquely coloured homes and other buildings. A new postcard exchange was born. The second group of cards are my first and second that were created for my first two exchanges. Also included is an Ottawa bicycle path, you can see the parliament buildings in the background and the 2009 Christmas card that I sent to family and friends. What a wonderful way to quilt.

By Susan on 7-01-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Digital Images + Collage, Just Art, Just Art Challenge, Vintage

The Irish Patchwork Society is having their 30th Birthday National Exhibition at the Botanic Gardens in Glasnevin, Dublin. Miriam, Chairperson, is organizing an international fabric postcard exhibition.
The Society is inviting postcards from all around the world. The theme is BRANCHING OUT and should be Floral, Horticultural, Landscape, Nature, Environmental. They should be sent without an envelope as we want to hang them so that everyone can see both front and back of the cards, to see the stamps and where they have come from.
Please send cards to: The Irish Patchwork Society, PO Box 45, Blackrock, Co. Dublin, IRELAND. before the end of May, 2011.
These postcards will also be exhibited at our Knitting and Stitching Show in November (Which is our only big show) and they will be sold and the proceeds will go to the Marie Keating Foundation…….Which is a Breast Cancer Charity here in Ireland.
Please create a little work of art and send it on. What a wonderful way to contribute.
Here is their link: Irish Patchwork Society If you are looking for further information please email them at or look at their blog
By Susan on 7-01-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Digital Images + Collage, Just Art, Just Art Challenge, Vintage

Although this image is tiny this little ‘choo-choo’ shines. Each train car is a separate stocking. What a great pattern for above a fireplace or on a window shelf. It could choo-choo around a tree skirt using paint or applique and lots and lots of shiny beads and embroidery. Painted in pastels, it could also travel around a nursery wall.

By Susan on 7-01-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Digital Images + Collage, Just Art, Just Art Challenge, Vintage

These two fishing boats were published in the McCall’s Needle Art Volume IV magazine. A romantic piece of embroidery that was sewn on canvas using the sewing machine and straight stitch. Felt was used for the boats, sun and building. Wouldn’t these boats look great using the new threads and fabrics available today? I can envision painted and stitched boats sailing over a large summer tote. A sea coast landscape quilt could be the background for one of the boats.

The patterns for both pictures are here….pdf document is 460kb Fishing Boats Embroidery with Machine
By Susan on 7-01-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Digital Images + Collage, Just Art, Just Art Challenge, Vintage

More fabric postcards, the first for this year plus my Christmas postcard for 2010 are all here. The exchange subject was the weather outside our windows. Miriam in Ireland saw snow for the first time and made snowmen, thus the snowman on her card. Sheila in Scotland saw the sun shining through the ice and snow in the tree branches and Margaret in Australia saw too much rain and flooding. I look out my window here in Canada and see an oak tree in our backyard that still hasn’t lost all it’s leaves and when the wind blows it plucks a few more from the tree and carries them swirling to the snow. The deer in my Christmas postcard are the same ones that I used in my winter postcard exchange last year. They were created from a photo of a pretty little doe who visited my garden in the fall.
On my Christmas card there is a frozen lake created from a foil bag that held tea bags and silver ribbon adorns the blue winter sky. The trees in the back ground are zigzag and painted in with paint pens and a little silver glitter was glued around the lake. The oak tree on my weather card is cordoroy with stitching and paint. I stitched through it and into the branches to make the small branches. The leaves on the tree and the snow beneath are beads. The beads are stitched on and then glued with a waterproof glue to survive the mailing.
By Susan on 7-01-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Digital Images + Collage, Just Art, Just Art Challenge, Vintage

When I had finished taking photos of the rising sun I looked behind me and on a tall elm were sitting two beautiful crows watching and waiting for the sun. The sky behind them was blue and the trees were glowing with coral and gold. We are not the only ones who await the sun every day…it was an exciting moment. As soon as the sun was up they spread their wings and gracefully soared eastward. This collage is to honour the crows.
By Susan on 7-01-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Digital Images + Collage, Just Art, Just Art Challenge, Vintage

This little redwork quilt is 22″ x 23″. Freddy, Albert and the snow family village are all original sketches. The village has “Snowmen are communities of little flakes”. These fellows were just bursting to get out so here they are. I embroidered the snowmen on diaper flannelette to give them a ‘snowy’ feeling using mostly chainstitch and French knot stitches. The quilt itself was sewn on the serger…. no little bits of thread to worry about and the seams were absolutely straight. You can download Albert here: Christmas in July and here: Christmas in March
By Susan on 7-01-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Digital Images + Collage, Just Art, Just Art Challenge, Vintage

February winter skies bring beautiful sunrises filled with rich colour. Gone are the silvers that are present in January. Spring is not far behind when you start to see colour in the morning skies. Unfortunately it didn’t last, as the sun rose higher the clouds moved in. Being up to greet the morning sun is a gift in itself.

By Susan on 7-01-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Digital Images + Collage, Just Art, Just Art Challenge, Vintage

Kaylee has been made for a cute little baby girl. Her mother knows who she is. Kaylee can play in the snow wearing her snowsuit, take mommy visiting in her little dress or play with her blocks in her sweater set. When she is tired and ready for her nap she can snuggle in her sleepers. Sweet dreams Kaylee.
By Susan on 7-01-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Digital Images + Collage, Just Art, Just Art Challenge, Vintage

A pretty angel to update. Published in the McCall’s Christmas Make It Ideas Volume X, this little angel was painted wood with dried flowers. She would make a very pretty Christmas quilt with beads and embroidery adorning her hair, wings and dress. I think she would also look stunning on a little hand towel as well. A great gift for the cook who roasts your Christmas turkey dinner.

I filled the angel pattern in bright colours. Printed on a piece of card she could adorn your table or tree. The pattern for this little Noel Angel is below.

By Susan on 7-01-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Digital Images + Collage, Just Art, Just Art Challenge, Vintage
By Susan on 7-01-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Digital Images + Collage, Just Art, Just Art Challenge, Vintage
I woke to a brilliant Mars in a clear deep blue sky. Predawn drew me outside to watch a silver sun rise. A perfect, snappy winter morning in the Ottawa Valley.

As the sun appeared above the horizon, clouds moved in to reflect the light, creating molten silver.

Our old gnarled oak tree framed the silver rays as the sun rose higher…….

along with the crab apple tree.

Snow lies everywhere, the day so cold the snowflakes are individually frozen to the post as natural diamonds.
By Susan on 7-01-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Digital Images + Collage, Just Art, Just Art Challenge, Vintage

Two more owls for everybody. Every time I see an owl somewhere it reminds me of my late mother-in-law. These are for her. This pattern was published in the McCall’s fall/winter 1972-73 magazine, decoupaged on a wooden box purse. Wouldn’t they look great painted onto a silk scarf or maybe appliqued onto the center block of a little wall quilt. They would also do justice to an embroidery block, especially redwork.

By Susan on 7-01-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Digital Images + Collage, Just Art, Just Art Challenge, Vintage

This autumn’s honeysuckle berries provided the patterns and colours for the Christmas Collage. I included the honeysuckle berries in the collage itself. They give an added dimension to the image. What a great fabric postcard this collage would make, especially with a few clear crystal beads added.

By Susan on 7-01-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Digital Images + Collage, Just Art, Just Art Challenge, Vintage

Silk…..these collages were published in the McCall’s Needlework Fall/Winter 1973/74 magazine….. is the fabric of choice for many thread artists now. What a great way to practice your stitches using these two patterns. Although they are over 30 years old they still hold up today. The patterns could also be done on wool felt or painted cottons. Colours could be chosen to match your home’s interior decorations. Box frames would give them a completely new look.

Here is one pattern. If you want both patterns you can download them here, in PDF format:
Embroidered Silk Collages, McCall’s Needlework Fall/Winter 1973/74 magazine
By Susan on 7-01-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Digital Images + Collage, Just Art, Just Art Challenge, Vintage

These figures were published in the McCall’s Needlework Fall/Winter 1959/60 magazine. They were stamped on paper (the lower photo) as well as on wood for free standing decorations. With the new medium for carving stamps I can see these modernized and stamped onto a Christmas wall hanging or table runner. They could also be used for redwork embroidery and beading. I have posted Mary, Joseph and Jesus here.

You can download the full set of Christmas family, shepherds, wisemen and animals here:Christmas Story Stamp Patterns
By Susan on 7-01-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Digital Images + Collage, Just Art, Just Art Challenge, Vintage

Ginger and Snap, gingerbread cookie paper dolls, have come along just in time for Christmas. They are an early Christmas present to all. They live at the North Pole with Mr. and Mrs. Santa. They love helping around the house as well as working with the reindeer. Cocoa and cookies are their favourite North Pole snack.

Here are line drawings of both Ginger and Snap to colour. They will print out on an 8.5 x 11 inch sheet. Don’t forget to give both of them ‘white icing’ decorations. Have fun this Christmas.

By Susan on 7-01-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Digital Images + Collage, Just Art, Just Art Challenge, Vintage

This is my first digital collage. I started with the image below….a rusty wheel rim. The bright red and orange colours captured my imagination. There is a blade of grass in the center of the rim which gave some colour contrast. I manipulated pieces of the image, cropped them in Adobe Photoshop and moved them onto a new background. The colours for the background were taken from the rim as well. The lines were made with a Photoshop brush and applied before moving the image. This collage would look good on a card, in a scrapbook page or as a block in an autumn quilt.

By Susan on 7-01-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Digital Images + Collage, Just Art, Just Art Challenge, Vintage

Overnight, freezing rain and snow transformed into ‘sky jewels’ as the sun peaked out for an hour around 9:00 a.m. About 15 minutes after I had taken the photos, the grey clouds brought more snow and freezing rain. What a beautiful interlude. By late afternoon the sun came out again, bringing back those ‘sky jewels’.

Icicles were sparkling in the sunlight. I was hoping to catch a drop, unfortunately that didn’t happen. But they were very pretty all the same.

A sunny winter day can be astounding, bringing the clear blue of the sky along with clouds reflecting the light. It lifts my heart when the light appears.
By Susan on 7-01-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Digital Images + Collage, Just Art, Just Art Challenge, Vintage

This bright sunny snowflake was published in the McCall’s Fall/Winter 1972-73 Needlework Magazine. The yellow gives the snowflake a very “sun-like” appearance. I thought it would look great appliqued in white on a mid blue ground to look more like a real snowflake. Done as a bed-sized quilt would give it an Hawaiian look. Embroidered white on white, in faux suede and given a trapunto technique, it would make a modern, sophisticated pillow.

McCall’s gave a 1/4 pattern. I have put it together for a full, round pattern.

By Susan on 7-01-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Digital Images + Collage, Just Art, Just Art Challenge, Vintage

This pretty needlework was published in the McCall’s Needlework Fall 1977 magazine. It is a delicate piece that could lend itself to a medallion on a whole cloth bedspread. A matching pillow would complete the set. Embroidering the flowers in different colours and an appliqued vase would create a very different, but wonderful piece of work.

By Susan on 7-01-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Digital Images + Collage, Just Art, Just Art Challenge, Vintage

Alice and Tommy are visiting the Canadian War Museum to learn about why they wear poppies on Remembrance Day, November 11. Remembrance Day occurs in Canada each November 11. “It is a day of national commemoration for the more than 100,000 Canadians who have died in military service”. You can visit the Canadian War Museum too: Canadian War Museum

By Susan on 7-01-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Digital Images + Collage, Just Art, Just Art Challenge, Vintage

We woke up to a very white Halloween morning in the Ottawa Valley. Thank goodness the snow is now gone, but rain has taken it’s place. All the little goblins and ghosties will have dressed up in warm costumes this year.
By Susan on 7-01-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Digital Images + Collage, Just Art, Just Art Challenge, Vintage
By Susan on 7-01-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Digital Images + Collage, Just Art, Just Art Challenge, Vintage

The maple and oak leaves have been glorious this year. The crystal clear blue of the sky in the mornings makes you want to wake early and be glad you are alive. Unfortunately this morning we woke up to our first bit of snow.
By Susan on 7-01-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Digital Images + Collage, Just Art, Just Art Challenge, Vintage

Mr. and Mrs. Santa are wooden lawn figures, but wouldn’t they look great at big pillows? They were published in the Family Circle Magazine, December 11, 1984. They could also adorn a wall hanging, worked in Red work embroidery to be included in a vintage quilt or simply painted on smaller wooden plaques for ornaments. I wonder who the little girl is? Where is she now? She sure is cute.

By Susan on 7-01-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Digital Images + Collage, Just Art, Just Art Challenge, Vintage
October has outdone itself this year. What a beautiful month. Clear, chilly mornings have given us the bluest of skies and the plants glow with their own beauty. I was out removing the bean plants and had to stop to take photos.

The spruce needles were decorated with crystals of dew as they captured the sun’s rays.

One lonely milkweed seed resting in the grass captured the magic of this glorious morning.

Even the Scotch thistle out in the field glowed under the sun. What a beautiful morning to be alive !
By Susan on 7-01-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Digital Images + Collage, Just Art, Just Art Challenge, Vintage

Alice loves Thanksgiving in October. It reminds her how fortunate she is to have lots to eat everyday. Halloween is wonderful as she can dress up in her princess dress and go out for trick or treat. Her orange pumpkins glow in the dark to keep her safe. Tommy also remembers how lucky he is each Thanksgiving day, but he loves Halloween. He can wear his superhero costume and mask to go door to door when the night is dark and spooky. He reminds everybody to trick or treat safely.

By Susan on 7-01-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Digital Images + Collage, Just Art, Just Art Challenge, Vintage

I think this is the perfect time to post these two beautiful ducks. We have been seeing more ducks and geese in the air as the weeks go by. This pair of ducks were published in the McCall’s Needlework Magazine, Fall, 1977. How pretty they are. The black and white pattern shows the stitches as well as the borders of each section. Quilted on a black background using bright Mennonite colours these ducks would make a great gift for your favourite guy.

Both ducks are in the 304kb pdf document: Embroidered Ducks, McCall’s Fall, 1977
By Susan on 7-01-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Digital Images + Collage, Just Art, Just Art Challenge, Vintage

When the wild purple asters appear you know summer is over and autumn has begun. My favourites are the deep purples. Beautiful against the greens and turning autumn leaves they seem to bloom forever. I think these asters would look great embroidered on a pillowcase edge.

Here is a pattern for the aster. I created the pattern by working from a photo in Photoshop, printed out and then traced around the petals and center of the flower. It would look great embroidered by either machine or by hand along the border of a table cloth. A quilted table runner or place mat could have one giant flower.

By Susan on 7-01-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Digital Images + Collage, Just Art, Just Art Challenge, Vintage

Alice and Tommy visited the Museum of nature in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. They had so much fun learning about these ancient animals and were amazed how huge some of them were. You can visit the museum by clicking on this link Museum of Nature. When they went to bed that night they snuggled up in their pajamas and dreamed of dinosaurs. On the first day of school they told everybody about their wonderful visit. If you would like to colour the cute little dinosaur, you can find it here: preschoollearningonline

By Susan on 7-01-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Digital Images + Collage, Just Art, Just Art Challenge, Vintage

You can download the full set in a 312kb pdf document here: Foil Christmas Cards, Family Circle Holiday Helps 1968
By Susan on 7-01-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Digital Images + Collage, Just Art, Just Art Challenge, Vintage

These cats from McCall’s Fall/Winter 1965-66 magazine are ready to “strut their stuff” under the moon on the spooky night. They were appliqued on a black pillow and would look just as good on a wall quilt along with ghosts and goblins. Created in less spooky colours and smaller eyes they would look great in a child’s room. One little cat would make a pin cushion stand out from all the others.

By Susan on 7-01-2015 in digital art and scrapbooking site, Digital Images + Collage, Just Art, Just Art Challenge, Vintage

Here are two new paperdolls. I have always loved Raggedy Anne and Andy, but I thought Canada needed their own rag dolls. Meet Alice and Tommy. August was a great month for them. They went swimming in the pool…..always when a lifeguard was on duty. Never swim alone without a buddy and a lifeguard to keep you safe. The rag dolls also visited the horse exhibit at the Canadian Museum of Civilization. This is a great exhibit and it is here until January 2, 2011. Click Horse Exhibit to visit the story of horses. After January 2011 this link will not work, but you can visit the museum by clicking: Canadian Museum of Civilization
