Heavy Horses….the best of the breed at the Carp Fair, Ontario

By on 2-08-2011 in Original photos

The heavy horse breeds are my favourite. Their movement is so powerful and they are so massive. The words “poetry in motion” describe them well.

6 horse hitch

The silver bridles caught the sun here through the dust. It is a very dramatic photo.


The wagons would come through the gate at speed, showing the power of these magnificent horses. The runner beside them is in full stride as well.

4 horse hitch

More dust, taking these photos were not easy to do, but well worth it. This wagon of 4 horses was at a trot when turning the corner.

are you taking my picture

I loved this fellow. He turned right towards me as if to say “you taking MY picture, then let me make it easier for you” or maybe “don’t forget to spell my name right”. He is a beauty.

Autumn Splendor, Almonte, Ontario, a gorgeous little Ottawa Valley town

By on 2-08-2011 in Original photos

After taking photos in Appleton, Ontario we travelled next door to Almonte. It too is on the Mississippi River. Almonte is a pretty, small town that has many vintage homes and shops as well as some newer stores to keep up with their growing population.


The Mississippi River is low this year and many rock outcrops are showing. This photo was taken from the bridge


Reflections of the trees across the river, this photo is part of the dam at Almonte. It shows the old stone mill on the left hand side.


A bend in the Mississippi River, taken from the bridge shows off the Autumn colours in the Ottawa Valley.


This photo shows how low the water levels are in the Mississippi River this year. It shows how rocky this part of the Ottawa Valley is. Ottawa itself was built from swamp, but the western end of the Valley changes to rock. This is the last of the Autumn photos of the Ottawa Valley for this year. A cold front has moved in with lots of rain. When it is over the leaves will have fallen. Halloween is right around the corner.

Indian Summer in the Ottawa Valley

By on 2-08-2011 in Original photos

Autumn in the Ottawa Valley…my heart leaps at the sight of the burning colours on the horizon at this time of year. Is there anything quite so spectacular? The light and shadows play along the rivers creating serene outlooks wherever you cast your eyes or camera.

indian summer

My favourite photo of the blue heron at Andy Haydon Park while he is fishing for his dinner. He is a magnificent bird and would look good worked into a landscape or art quilt.

carp road maples

On our way to the Carp Fair this year we were halted in traffic and I was able to snap this photo of the trees. Carp has rolling farmland which is mostly rock, but good for grazing animals. It is a beautiful country area of Ottawa.


A trip out to Appleton, a very small town in the Valley. The Mississippi River flows through the town which has many heritage homes. Unspoiled by new houses it is an absolutely heavenly village to stop and take photos.


Weeping willows growing on the banks of the Mississippi in Appleton present the prettiest photo ever. The day was so peaceful and bright and this was the last day of Indian Summer. This willow would make a great landscape quilt.


The last photo of Appleton with the Mississippi River reflecting the tree colours back upon itself. This would be a pretty town to live in.

Great blue heron, Canada geese, a saucy grey squirrel and September’s last hurrah !

By on 2-08-2011 in Original photos

During a trip to Andy Haydon Park in West End Ottawa I was able to snap photos of some of the wildlife. I think they may have been posing for me hoping I would be on my way, thinking “tourists”. It was a sunny afternoon, one of those lazy days when you just want to get away and forget your everyday life.

great blue

The great blue heron had his patience rewarded when he caught a big mudpout. He stood in the pond so still until he saw the right moment to capture his dinner. A magnificent bird.

snoozing squirrel

This grey squirrel was napping in the afternoon sun and didn’t notice me at first. A very interesting photo.

grey squirrel caught me taking his photo

Whoops! He caught me with my camera snapping his photo. What a character he is.

great blue heron

The park is full of Canada geese and when the heron crossed the pond to eat his fish the geese lined up in the water around him. I wonder why? Once he had swallowed his fish and taken off the geese separated and swam away.

Images of my visit to the Almonte Textile Museum

By on 2-08-2011 in Original photos

My visit to the Almonte Textile Museium during this year’s Fiberfest was a wonderful treat. Upstairs there is a wonderful display of machinery as well as wooden spools and spindles. I spent almost two hours there taking one shot after another knowing they would be beautiful. I love earth tones and the machines are rusted, the spindles and spools are made of wood that has been polished through long handling. One word describes them to me and that is magnificent.


Spools and spindles are sitting in large cardboard boxes beside the machines they were used on.

spindles from old cotton mill

weigh scales

This Toledo weigh scale caught my attention as I was leaving and had to go back to take more photos. I love the colours and the inner workings of this piece of equipment.

mill scale close up

scale close up

weigh scale close up

Shuttles were displayed in a box as well. How many hands have used these tools? How I wish they could tell us their stories.
