By Susan on 5-08-2016 in Digital Images + Collage
I haven’t had time to post these pieces separately so thought I’d do them all at one time … November has been a busy month digitally.
This first page was done for my own challenge “your favourite book”. Wuthering Heights has always been a book that haunts me and I have read it several times. This piece is a composition of several photos from Deviant Arts site and the Morgue Files site.

What if challenge … at first I didn’t think I would do this one because I decided years ago not to look back and ask ‘what if’. Then I thought of another way to set down these words. I’ve always loved watching the crows play in the thermals going up, up, up until they are just a speck against the blue of the sky and then soaring down in those same thermals. Crows are the only birds I have seen actually play, how awesome. The photos used in this piece are all from the Morgue Files site.

Stretch your wings challenge … we were to create a leaf and then use it in a page. I painted a maple leaf then added the real one with filters to create several different ones. The Maple Leaf Forever just seemed to be so right for this challenge.

Middle passage and Sea Fever were created using Jilbert’s Bits of Bytes frame and brush mini kits. I chose a sailing theme for both of these pages which were the main November challenge. You can find Jil’s kits here: Jilbert’s Bits of Bytes

Mr. Wonderful is a tribute to our Canada geese who mate for life and look after their family to the death if need be. You see the gander with his head up and watching as his family feeds. He is Mr. Wonderful. This page was done during November’s progressive scrap.

By Susan on 5-08-2016 in Digital Images + Collage
Arty’s new adventure….when Tamara painted a woman with a swan headdress with a fairy on her shoulder I knew I had to paint a Canada Goose instead and then Arty, my little adopted dragon whispered it was time for a new adventure so I painted him in as well. You can read about Arty here: Arty As you can see, my little dragon is still blowing bubbles. This course has been a great journey and I am now confident enough to go off on my own as I did with this piece. It will continue with Life Book 2016 … I was granted Life Book 2016, how cool is that? Thank you Tamara.

By Susan on 5-08-2016 in Digital Images + Collage
Winter is almost upon us for another year and when I saw the palette for November’s colour challenge with ADB Designs at the Digital Scrapbooking site I thought of snowflakes. The little angels you will recognize as my watercolour paper dolls in an earlier post.

Winter Wonderland
By Susan on 5-08-2016 in Digital Images + Collage
Autumn Goodbye is October’s mini kit for the colour challenge with ADB Designs at the Digital Scrapbooking Studio.

Autumn Goodbye
By Susan on 5-08-2016 in Digital Images + Collage
This was an interesting piece to do. Roben had us using stamps, stencils, pens, paints and pretty much everything else as well. The black outlined flowers are my own carved stamps. This piece is a bit darker than I usually do but I like it as it is, a bit broody.

By Susan on 5-08-2016 in Digital Images + Collage
These two pieces are from September’s challenges at the Just Art site. I love trains, steam trains especially. When the black and white plus one colour pop challenge appeared I knew exactly what subject I would pick. These beauties are sitting at the museum here in Ottawa and they are magnificent work horses.

This window is part of the old mill in Almonte. I was up in the second floor when I noticed how dramatic a photo it would make and I love it but never really had a chance to use it and make it shine until now.

By Susan on 5-08-2016 in Digital Images + Collage
I loved creating my muse after the exercises Andrea gave us. I have been using the sun as my symbol because it is the warmth of the sun shining on me and soothing the pain of many aches giving me the strength to follow. Here my muse is wrapped up in the warmth and heat of that sun.

By Susan on 5-08-2016 in Digital Images + Collage
For Donna’s lesson I used water colours. My figure is in repose and a bit pensive, a mood I find myself in at times as winter blows closer.

By Susan on 5-08-2016 in Digital Images + Collage
Progressive scrap on the Just Art site gives us a chance to use what we have in our stash, more flexibility and a bit longer time line which creates a fun challenge. Here are the first three months layouts. I have chosen to use my own kits in each of these pages and you can find the kits on my blog here.

We had a pair of pretty crab apple trees on the property that we picked almost every year after the first frost. They always made great apple jelly.

Sam was a cockatiel with a whole lot of character and grew up with the boys. This page is all about this wonderful bird and his interaction with the family

I chose these two vintage postcards for this page. The scrap was a bit different this time and we didn’t really know where it would lead but a lot of fun guessing.
By Susan on 5-08-2016 in Digital Images + Collage
It has been a while since I have created a new paper doll. We had a lesson in Lifebook 2015 with figures and water colours that reminded me of paper dolls and they enchanted me. Meet Penny and Wendy all ready for any adventure you may want them to follow.

By Susan on 5-08-2016 in Digital Images + Collage
It’s that time of year again. The Digital Scrapbooking Studio is having their designer challenge. This is the first week. It called for going back in time to create a traditional scrapbooking kit. I chose Summer Memories for all those who want to now scrap their holiday photos and bring back those wonderful times of warm, freedom filled days behind us.

Summer Memories
By Susan on 5-08-2016 in Digital Images + Collage
This template tutorial is one more from Chris Spooner. Chris creates his template in Illustrator Abstract Geometric Template and since I have only PSE 11 I made my own to give to those who wanted to play with it. The results from the challenge are spectacular. Sunset is my work up and example. This photo has it’s original colouring, no tweeking needed. The sunsets in the country are spectacular. The poem by Emily Pauline Johnson captures it perfectly.

Addition to this challenge, updated October 19 … there were so many beautiful entries into this challenge at the Just Art site that I made another globe for them, this time with horizontal lines

By Susan on 5-08-2016 in Digital Images + Collage
Last Days of Summer is this month’s mini kit created for ADB Designs’ September colour challenge at the Scrapbooking Studio. A period of time just before the butterflies disappear and the summer birds start their migration south for the winter with fields of asters and daisies catching the last rays of the sun.

Last Days of Summer
By Susan on 5-08-2016 in Digital Images + Collage
EOS, Goddess of the Dawn was my pick for this week’s lesson at Life Book 2015 with Alena. Who else when I find myself following my sun this year but dawn itself? I created her coming up through the water with her hair as part of the sunrise welcoming the warmth of the sun for another day.

By Susan on 5-08-2016 in Digital Images + Collage
Mr Handsome is a heavy horse, one of the lead horses on a team of 6 who looked back at me when he heard my camera and gave me this beautiful photo showing the inquisitiveness of a powerful horse. The page was created for the Just Art site for September’s “use everything” challenge. Kit was supplied by Anne Marie of A-M Designs.

By Susan on 5-08-2016 in Digital Images + Collage
This piece was created with Robyn’s last template of the month. It is perfect for my grandgirl’s birthday party with two of her close friends. It seems like yesterday she was born and now she is entering high school. Time simply keeps ticking along. If you want to play come join us at the Just Art site

By Susan on 5-08-2016 in Digital Images + Collage
This week’s Life Book 2015 lesson brought us Andrea Gomoll who showed us how to get through a slump and create something whimsical and pretty. I chose fairies in the grass with a little magic aura around them. I am starting to love the neon colours.

By Susan on 5-08-2016 in Digital Images + Collage
This handsome fellow is Tigger. He was a rescue cat and has gone to join the kittens in the sky but had a good long life, almost 19 years, most of it healthy. The page was done for a template challenge at the Just Art Site for August, template supplied by Robyn of Red Dog Designs.

By Susan on 5-08-2016 in Digital Images + Collage
This page was created for the Just Art Site using Robyn’s template. Robyn of Red Dog Designs creates templates that are artsy and so pretty which makes them easy to use.

By Susan on 5-08-2016 in Digital Images + Collage
This was Tam’s lesson for August on Life Book 2015. As always it was a fun piece to do, just floating away on top of the world. Lots of modeling paste was used on this piece. I created the stencil for the flowers on the hill using my cuttlebug and a piece of transparency.

By Susan on 5-08-2016 in Digital Images + Collage
The stamped image challenge at the Art for the Creative Minds Yahoo group brought us a stamped image of a lady’s head in the mail. I used a handful of stamps to stamp onto card and then cut them out and collaged them into a dress for the head. I then scanned her in so I could print her out at a reduced size. I used Tom Bow markers to colour her after laying down some clear glitter glue. The markers coloured the glitter as well so I had matching glitter on her dress.

I also created a smaller size to put on a 5×5 inch card. This one I chose to leave plain except for a few little stick ons.

By Susan on 5-08-2016 in Digital Images + Collage
Here is my latest for the colour challenge at the Digital Scrapbooking Studio with ADB Designs. August brought us a beautiful colour palette and the Blue Ridge Mountains.

Bluegrass Blues
By Susan on 5-08-2016 in Digital Images + Collage
A beautiful template helps to create a beautiful page. This template was created by Robyn of Red Dog Designs for the Just Art challenge. My page made the front page of the site for Layout of the Day. I love this photo of the birches which were not more than twigs when we planted them. They were rescue trees that would have been mowed down otherwise. They survived the ice store of 1998 by bending right to the ground without snapping .. amazing trees.

By Susan on 5-08-2016 in Digital Images + Collage
This challenge gave us three parameters … we had to use a duck, the colour yellow and seven items. My duck is a yellow bath ducky, my seven items are the green tiles echoing the Pear’s soap poster and of course my yellow background. I have several of the Pear’s soap posters but this one has to be my favourite. It’s so much fun.

By Susan on 5-08-2016 in Digital Images + Collage
The Doodle This challenge is one I hosted. The blog posting from the Creative Market with the cartoons worked into the images immediately made me think this is something different that would look great on a digital scrapbook site. This is one of two entries I made. The photo is of the Ottawa River. I have always loved this photo but never knew what to do with it. It was waiting for this challenge. The elements belong to Gabbi’s Wonderful Water World. Nessi came from an online colouring book site which I reduced and altered. Poor Nessi, she is sooo lost.

By Susan on 5-08-2016 in Digital Images + Collage
Meet Peter, a rabbit that would visit my garden. He was there often and I welcomed the visits for taking his photo. This page was created for the Just Art ‘use it all’ challenge for August. I changed the colour of the kit … Peter wanted a green page so he could hide in the grass

By Susan on 5-08-2016 in Digital Images + Collage
When Rachael Rice created this hand with an eye and healing symbols. I wanted to do something different, something that would have meaning for me. Following the shining sun, soaring with the crows as they float on the thermals created by that sun has a lot of meaning to me. The sun is the most healing thing I know. My aches and pains feel so much better and I love the warmth it gives me and it lights up my world. My hand has a stylized sun and soaring crows with three more crows in my sky. If you look closely you can see the bumps of my arthritis and the way my fingers are slightly bending from the bumps. The sun’s heat is making the hands feel so much better so I can continue with my art.

By Susan on 5-08-2016 in Digital Images + Collage
A love affair was created for ADB Designs colour challenge at the Digital Scrapbooking Studio. The Thorn Birds love story is the inspiration for this month.

A Love Affair
By Susan on 5-08-2016 in Digital Images + Collage
I love how the background on this piece glows. I was never a fan of neon paints until this course. I always saw them as jarring but used along with regular acrylics they can create a glowing page. Flora makes it all look so simple and I had a great time doing these pages. I did however have to paint over my dull and greyed backgrounds and start again. I’m glad I did. Simply sitting and wondering what I can use to stamp another design with was tremendous fun and freeing. This is an exercise I want to do again and again.

By Susan on 5-08-2016 in Digital Images + Collage
Chris Spooner has a great tutorial on his blog using two images, one laid over the other causing a double exposure. I brought this over to the Just Art site as a challenge and there are some fantastic examples from the great digital artists there. Chris’s tutorial is here: Spoon Graphics I use PSE 11 at this time and Chris’s tutorial is for Photoshop itself and there are a few adjustments that were different but I was able to work around them.

Chris also had other examples so I decided to do something different for this as well. I took two images from outofcopywrite books and meld them together. Here are Chris’s examples: Spoon Graphics

By Susan on 5-08-2016 in Digital Images + Collage
For this challenge at the Just Art site we created a template with words. I love how this template looks like you are looking through a wrought iron fence into the garden. The flowers are all from my gardens through the years.

By Susan on 5-08-2016 in Digital Images + Collage
This was my first reflection page I created from the kit given us for the challenge. It was provided by Robyn of Red Dog Designs. I created the background with two of her papers cut with a sunburst and then added another and blended it.

By Susan on 5-08-2016 in Digital Images + Collage
Blue Herons are awesome birds, sitting completely still for long periods of time, sometimes on one leg. This fellow allowed me to get in very close and take his photo several times. He did finally get his fish. There is more to his story but that is for another page.

By Susan on 5-08-2016 in Digital Images + Collage
This pair of ATCs was created for the Life Book 2015 swap that was set up in June. Unfortunately the person who was picked to swap with me has not answered me back although I have emailed her more than once. Here they sit and if I do not hear from her by the end of July I will send them to somebody as a swap. To me being brave is having the courage to follow the sun which shines upon us with it’s bounty, warming us and helping us grow. When we stay in the shade of our lives we begin to face inward and stop reaching. We have to spread our arms and reach out to grow.

By Susan on 5-08-2016 in Digital Images + Collage
These little girls were fun fun fun to do. Danielle wanted us to cut her out and place her on a clothespin and add story words to a cup and attach her. I just simply wanted to keep painting little girls so that is what I did. Paper dolls and water paints .. is there anything better? I think not. The first one was done as Danielle did and I used her supplied pattern and the second one I changed from the pattern. The second two I drew myself and I also gave them big smiles.

By Susan on 5-08-2016 in Digital Images + Collage
This piece was done with a magazine ad of a face and painted over. The woman had a coffee cup in her hands and I placed forget me nots to not forget to value myself as much as I do others in my life. I gave her grey hair because I have grey hair. She is me after all.

By Susan on 5-08-2016 in Digital Images + Collage
The last challenge for June at the Just Art site was pick a season. We had several parameters we had to meet. I have some beautiful photos of dawn breaking over the trees in the fields behind our old house. I am so glad I had the honour of seeing these sunrises and being able to keep them forever to look back on now that we have moved into the city.

By Susan on 5-08-2016 in Digital Images + Collage
After the rain was created for the Junk Box challenge at the Just Art Site. We were given a quantity of papers and elements that didn’t match to use however we wanted. This is the first of two pages I made.

The rain is the second page. For this page I created brushes from the flowers so I could use them in different sizes by simply changing the brush size. The image is one gleaned from an old book that is out of copywrite and found on the Archive site.

By Susan on 5-08-2016 in Digital Images + Collage
I loved Andrea’s tutorial for last week’s Life Book lesson. It was another fun piece to do and I am finding my faces look more like they should and less overpainted. This piece used water colour for most of it and I love working with water colours, especially when using crayons. I am still following my sun and the crows are leading the way. If you have followed my blog you know I love the crows as they fly up to the sun and glide down on the thermals, trusting they will lift them lovingly as they slowly come back to earth. It can take longer than 10 minutes to come all the way down again. They are the only birds I know that love to simply play as if they have no worries in the world.

By Susan on 5-08-2016 in Digital Images + Collage
People used to ride bicycles everywhere. You could stop and smell the flowers along the way and take in the sights as well, maybe have a picnic basket with you. The slow days of summer were enjoyed then. Now those days just seem to rush into each other without much notice. This kit was done for the colour challenge with ADB Designs at the Digital Scrapbooking Studio site.

Bicycle Holidays
By Susan on 5-08-2016 in Digital Images + Collage
This is another challenge for the month of June at the Just Art site. The mannequin came from Morgue File site. The flowers are from my flower garden through the years and the textures were all created from my plants as well.

By Susan on 5-08-2016 in Digital Images + Collage
June’s progressive scrap challenge at the Digital Scrapbooking Studio brought us a wonderful male themed scrapbook kit to play with. I have been waiting with these photos of my hubby’s knee surgery for a year and knew they would be perfect together. I created the runner profile from a scanned picture last year and it was perfect for this kit.
