A silver dawn in the Ottawa Valley

By on 1-17-2011 in Original photos

I woke to a brilliant Mars in a clear deep blue sky. Predawn drew me outside to watch a silver sun rise. A perfect, snappy winter morning in the Ottawa Valley.

Silver Dawn
As the sun appeared above the horizon, clouds moved in to reflect the light, creating molten silver.

sun through oak tree
Our old gnarled oak tree framed the silver rays as the sun rose higher…….

sun through apple tree
along with the crab apple tree.

snow post
Snow lies everywhere, the day so cold the snowflakes are individually frozen to the post as natural diamonds.

Digital Collage…..from rusty wheel rim

By on 11-27-2010 in art quilts, Digital Images + Collage, Original Pattern, Original photos

rusty wheel

This is my first digital collage. I started with the image below….a rusty wheel rim. The bright red and orange colours captured my imagination. There is a blade of grass in the center of the rim which gave some colour contrast. I manipulated pieces of the image, cropped them in Adobe Photoshop and moved them onto a new background. The colours for the background were taken from the rim as well. The lines were made with a Photoshop brush and applied before moving the image. This collage would look good on a card, in a scrapbook page or as a block in an autumn quilt.


November’s ‘sky jewels’

By on 11-26-2010 in Original photos


Overnight, freezing rain and snow transformed into ‘sky jewels’ as the sun peaked out for an hour around 9:00 a.m. About 15 minutes after I had taken the photos, the grey clouds brought more snow and freezing rain. What a beautiful interlude. By late afternoon the sun came out again, bringing back those ‘sky jewels’.


Icicles were sparkling in the sunlight. I was hoping to catch a drop, unfortunately that didn’t happen. But they were very pretty all the same.


A sunny winter day can be astounding, bringing the clear blue of the sky along with clouds reflecting the light. It lifts my heart when the light appears.

Morning Goodbye to October

By on 11-05-2010 in Original photos

morning goodbye

We woke up to a very white Halloween morning in the Ottawa Valley. Thank goodness the snow is now gone, but rain has taken it’s place. All the little goblins and ghosties will have dressed up in warm costumes this year.