Rag Doll Paperdolls, a new doll with many races
Here is a new doll for everybody. She is a rag doll with yarn hair and embroidered features and has lots of friends to play with.
Here is a new doll for everybody. She is a rag doll with yarn hair and embroidered features and has lots of friends to play with.
Here are two more little girl dolls to print and cut out. I’ve also included one doll that you can print and colour. You can use the clothing templates to create your own designs. Have fun.
New dolls for everybody. These dolls are able to hold hands and share their lives … I think it is time we celebrated our differences and uniqueness and tried understanding each other better in this world ….
Two dolls with a vintage, Audrey Hepburn style look … I thought Valentines and February asked for it. Think of all the adventures these two could have and who they may meet this day of romance … have fun
These next challenges were fun but at the same time took some thought to put them together.
I loved my bike. It was my constant companion every year from spring to autumn, brought me peaceful moments when I would ride for miles down roads to adventure.
This piece is a statement of what children in North America used to do instead of being children. Imagine having to work these horrible, backbreaking, spirit breaking jobs for most of a day without much time even to sleep or eat. This is still the state of hundreds of children in other countries. It has to stop.
This little seed cluster was in my wild flower garden. It was so pretty, sitting there in the green of the grass and giving off this beautiful glow in the sun.
A photo of some herbs in the garden in Almonte and the window is from the mill in Almonte as well. Love it when I can take two pieces that don’t really belong and place them into a whole.
This is a book cover for a favourite book. Fires of Spring is my all favourite book ever and I have read it over and over again.
Although summer didn’t arrive until September in the Ottawa Valley this year it will not last much longer and we will be shivering in mitts and boots. This set of paper dolls has costumes that will go from hot sunny weather to chillier, snuggle up weather … where’s that hot cocoa