I have had a love relationship with Photoshop since PS6 and when I first heard about the Photoshop Artistry course I knew it was going to be the first step of creating great digital art. The AWAKE course will be starting July 1 and I will be there. These pieces were created using the challenge prompts from the course. If you are interested in this course there is a link at the side. You do have to enrol in it before you can move on to the AWAKE course but it’s possible to do both at the same time. Here are the first four challenges I did for the course

Loved this little lizard and his rust and bits of paint as soon as I spotted him on the back shed at our new house. That was several years ago and he gets rustier every year and more beautiful. I did two pieces for this first challenge.

This Canada goose gander was watching over his flock at an Ottawa River park. I loved how he strutted and kept one eye open at all times, stretching his neck if he felt challenged. Awesome birds.

Steam, the first of a double challenge. I love steam trains and have great memories of coming across to Ontario from Manitoba one one when I was a very young girl.

Trains, the second of the double challenge. Both pieces had to be able to sit alone and together as well.

It was a wonderful surprise when I first looked at this photo and realized I had caught this great little garden spider among the Lily of the Valley flowers in my garden. Isn’t he pretty?

This piece is a collage, the base of the Chinese Elm with it’s beautiful toadstools and a bunny that would visit my garden frequently. These two bunnies are having a picnic I think.