Kit Nicol’s “Painting with Thread…..Embroidered Pictures to Make and Cherish”

By on 6-21-2010 in art quilts, Artists and Authors that I love

nullPainting with thread……Embroidered pictures to make and cherish by Kit Nicol.  This book was published in 2000 by Collins & Brown of Great Britain.  Kit Nicol brings her paintings to life through paint and embroidery.  Her tutorials begin with designing your own sketches using colours and paint.  She covers materials required and different techniques using several kinds of thread and stitches including 3-D effects. The stitch tutorials are very clear with lots of photos and illustrations. The book includes 14 sketches from landscapes to human expression including the fountain on the front cover.

A Hoot of an Owl

By on 5-23-2010 in art quilts, Embroidery, Vintage Patterns


This cute little round owl sitting in his tree was published in the McCall’s Fall and Winter 1973-1974 Needlework Magazine. Every time I see an owl I think of my mother-in-law who collected them. This whimsical fellow would look great on a pillow or tote or as a center panel on a quilt top. He could be done in a monochromatic colour scheme as well as standing out in bright colours on his own tree branch for a child’s room.

hooty owl

Kaffe Fassett’s “Quilt Romance”

By on 5-12-2010 in art quilts, Artists and Authors that I love

null Kaffe Fassett is renowned for colour and design. Knitters, needlework artists and quilters among others all know and love his work. He has designed his own fabrics since 1996. I was first introduced to Kaffe’s designs through a knitting show on PBS and now am the proud owner of several of his books. Quilt Romance, published in 2009 has the greatest, brightest quilts imaginable, all set out on gates, bridges and buildings in the Portmeirion Village in Whales Portmeirion alone is a good reason to buy this book, add the quilts and you have a masterpiece. The photos literally sing to you as you turn page after page after page, 20 quilts in all. Clear instructions with full size templates and a catalogue of the fabrics used in the quilts are all included. Happy quilting everyone.

If you are not a fiber or textile artist but still want your heart to sing check out Kaffe’s website at: Quilt Romance can be purchased at at