Sentinals, watching the rising of the sun

By on 2-13-2011 in Digital Images + Collage, Original photos

sentinals, watching the rising sun

When I had finished taking photos of the rising sun I looked behind me and on a tall elm were sitting two beautiful crows watching and waiting for the sun. The sky behind them was blue and the trees were glowing with coral and gold. We are not the only ones who await the sun every day…it was an exciting moment. As soon as the sun was up they spread their wings and gracefully soared eastward. This collage is to honour the crows.

February Sunrise

By on 2-08-2011 in Original photos

February sunrise

February winter skies bring beautiful sunrises filled with rich colour. Gone are the silvers that are present in January. Spring is not far behind when you start to see colour in the morning skies. Unfortunately it didn’t last, as the sun rose higher the clouds moved in. Being up to greet the morning sun is a gift in itself.

February sunrise

A silver dawn in the Ottawa Valley

By on 1-17-2011 in Original photos

I woke to a brilliant Mars in a clear deep blue sky. Predawn drew me outside to watch a silver sun rise. A perfect, snappy winter morning in the Ottawa Valley.

Silver Dawn
As the sun appeared above the horizon, clouds moved in to reflect the light, creating molten silver.

sun through oak tree
Our old gnarled oak tree framed the silver rays as the sun rose higher…….

sun through apple tree
along with the crab apple tree.

snow post
Snow lies everywhere, the day so cold the snowflakes are individually frozen to the post as natural diamonds.