Thanksgiving day and Friendship cards

By on 7-19-2015 in Journal pages, Life Book 2015, Mixed Media

This card was created for the Just Art site to wish everybody a great holiday on the States side. Lots to be thankful for in this year of international tragedies.

Thanksgiving day card

This cute little friendship card was created for the Just Art site “use it all” challenge. We are given a mini kit and have to use every single piece, nothing else with only a photo and journaling allowed. I loved it so much I didn’t add a photo….I made the card instead

Friendship card

Smush Book with Donna Downey, Life Book 2015

By on 7-19-2015 in Journal pages, Life Book 2015, Mixed Media

Loved this lesson with Donna, she took her unused paint from her pallets and brushes and smushed it down on journal pages and then used those pages full of explosive colour backgrounds and built on them. I have always done the same thing whether it’s a page I didn’t like and it has to be covered or in a book I will cover it with paint I haven’t used in my latest project. What appears is always appealing and looking for more.


Sacred play and learning to paint intuitively with Chris Zydel, Life Book 2015

By on 7-19-2015 in Journal pages, Life Book 2015, Mixed Media

Chris Zydel’s lesson on Life Book 2015 this week was an interesting practice which I loved. We first painted for 5 minutes without any thought, just placing colour on paper without stopping. The second piece was a 30 minute exercise with more thought and attention given to the painting but still playing, not listening to our inner critical voices and then we were to sit and muse about the practice itself. At the end I liked what I did although it’s free and unstructured and both pieces look like flowers in a garden.

5 minute intuitive painting

intuitive painting