Inner Artist Guardian with Tamara Laporte

By on 8-04-2011 in Mixed Media

Meet my Inner Artist Guardian, a painting lesson for week 11 with Tamara Laporte. She will protect me from my inner artistic self when she decides to listen to her inner critic. I did not focus much on the background because I want to concentrate on painting the faces. When I first started working with a 2B pencil on top of the paint I wasn’t sure I like it but as I get used to working this way and leaving behind all my ideas of using pencil and different kinds of paint in one portrait I am loving it. Sketching is my first love and this combines paint and sketching so all is good.

inner artist

Spring, a little 4×4 for the Art for the Creative Mind Yahoo group

By on 8-04-2011 in Mixed Media

Spring … how I wish it were actually here … no more snow ! Please !! …. the background is corrugated cardboard that has a layer of gesso, a layer of water colour crayon and then another layer of gesso brayered on …. I love how the last gesso layer picked up the lines of the corrugation. The bird and butterfly were cut from a piece of watercolour paper that I had used as a palette for something else … waste not, want not …. the picket fence was made from tags cut with a die.

Spring 4x4 fat book page

Affirmation page, “I am Beautiful”

By on 8-04-2011 in Mixed Media

This journal page was done last year for the Art for the Creative Mind group. The theme was ‘affirmation’ which to me meant affirming that no matter what I am beautiful … each and every one of us on this earth is beautiful. I used a combination of acrylic paint, white glue and cornstarch to create the texture of the silhouette.

Affirmation, I am beautiful

Week 11 of Life Book 2015 with Jane Davenport

By on 8-04-2011 in Mixed Media

This was an interesting exercise and I definitely want to do more of these. Jane’s lesson had us create just the top part of a figure but when I saw this poppy tissue paper I knew she needed a dress of poppies so went for a half-sized figure instead. My faces are getting better but when I was finished I found she looks a bit cock-eyed. This is somewhat like I look when I first get up in the morning … especially my hair lol

week 11