Unraveling through mark making with Jenny Doh

By on 1-09-2015 in Digital Images + Collage, Mixed Media, Original photos

We were introduced to Jenny Doh earlier in the year with an interview and this week we watched her play with her paints and inks. Awesome playfulness became this Fantastical Awesome Gilded Awk … not Auk because my guy is awkward but splendid. I turned my page and he came calling. He whispered that he was a gilded awk and of course I had to oblige. His little buddies came about after I had thought I had finished and was drying the piece. Out they came with their part of the story.


Rubber Stamp brushes for your grungy creations

By on 1-09-2015 in Digital Images + Collage, Mixed Media, Original photos

I have carved several rubber stamps for my mixed media pieces and then thought they may work well for digital grunge type creations so made the brushes. Feel free to use them for your experiments and personal use but please do not distribute them in a package or claim them as your own. They were created in PSE 11 and are high resolution at 600 ppi.

Rubber stamp brushes
Rubbert Stamp Brushes