A Walking Road Trip, Scrapbook Kit

By on 2-23-2010 in Christmas Patterns, Embroidery, Vintage Patterns

My first scrapbook kit … I hope you can use this little kit for your summer holiday photos

Walking Scrapbook Kit

This kit was created for the Next Designer Contest at the Studio. I entered to learn new techniques in Photoshop and it has been an intensive September. I have just completed week 3 and uploaded on the Studio site. It’s been fun, but the work involved in a project of this size is an eye opener. Week 1 is here for you to download.

You can download the kit here

Pear pattern ….. vintage sketch for pillow

By on 2-23-2010 in Christmas Patterns, Embroidery, Vintage Patterns

This is the pattern I used for my pear card …. it was published in the McCall’s Needle Art magazine Vol IV. It and a sketch of apples were included. The apples were used to create a pretty decorative pillow that would hold up on your couch today. These vintage patterns lend themselves to so much more. I love to honour them and their creators by using them in what I do today.


This pillow would look just as great on a dark homespun and stitched with white cotton or one of each light and dark for contrast. Done on ecru or white homespun and framed it would look perfect on a kitchen or dining room wall. Both sketches could be used as a quilting pattern in a solid coloured block in your quilt. Wouldn’t that look good on your love seat?

decorative pillow

If you want both the apple and pear pattern you can grab it here: Apple Pillow with extra pear pattern

Asian Coffee Filter Book and Geisha Paper Dolls

By on 2-23-2010 in Christmas Patterns, Embroidery, Vintage Patterns

coffee filter book

My first coffee filter book, done for the Art For the Creative Mind Yahoo Group. I created an understated book in colours from the old Japanese wood cuts. Bangles and metallic threads are at the end of each tag. The tags are Geisha dolls and one extra kimono for each doll. Each pocket holds one of the dolls and has her name in English on one side and Japanese on the other. Prisma colours gently coloured some of the images on each covering page. I am sharing my Geisha paper dolls. The image is one I gleaned from colouring pages on line. It was listed at several different sites. Paper flowers, a peacock dangle and some soutache braid around the blue rings finish the simple Japanese look of the book.

geisha dolls

Here are the dolls and the kimonos. Each doll has a name of a Japanese flower. In order they are: top left is Lotus, top middle is Sunflower, top right is Plum, bottom left is Cherry, bottom middle is Willow and bottom right is Iris. Have fun with these little dolls.

geisha dolls

Marzie Mermaid and Bubbles have come to play with you this summer

By on 2-23-2010 in Christmas Patterns, Embroidery, Vintage Patterns

Marzie and Bubbles were created for a swap with the Art For the Creative Mind Mixed Media Yahoo Group. She whispered in my ear that she wanted to be both a Mixed Media doll and a paper doll so here she is. This is the mixed media doll. Her little fin on the end of her tail has a brad so she can swim just about anywhere she wants to go and Bubbles, her trusted side kick goes with her.


Marzie and Bubbles would love to play with your young daughter or granddaughter. She needs her story finished with summer fun. She would love to swim your way.

Marzie Doll

If your young girl is an artist she can create her own little Mermaid and Bubbles. Imagine the adventures they could have during those rainy days with nothing to do.

Marzie make your own