Christmas in December….the Christmas Story in Stamps

By on 12-06-2010 in art quilts, Christmas Patterns, Embroidery, Original Quilts, Vintage Patterns

Christmas story

These figures were published in the McCall’s Needlework Fall/Winter 1959/60 magazine. They were stamped on paper (the lower photo) as well as on wood for free standing decorations. With the new medium for carving stamps I can see these modernized and stamped onto a Christmas wall hanging or table runner. They could also be used for redwork embroidery and beading. I have posted Mary, Joseph and Jesus here.


You can download the full set of Christmas family, shepherds, wisemen and animals here:Christmas Story Stamp Patterns

Meet Ginger and Snap, two Christmas gingerbread paper dolls

By on 12-04-2010 in Paper Dolls


Ginger and Snap, gingerbread cookie paper dolls, have come along just in time for Christmas. They are an early Christmas present to all. They live at the North Pole with Mr. and Mrs. Santa. They love helping around the house as well as working with the reindeer. Cocoa and cookies are their favourite North Pole snack.


Here are line drawings of both Ginger and Snap to colour. They will print out on an 8.5 x 11 inch sheet. Don’t forget to give both of them ‘white icing’ decorations. Have fun this Christmas.

