Reflections of you with Jeanne Oliver for Life Book 2015

By on 2-17-2015 in Life Book 2015, Mixed Media

My latest piece for Life Book 2015 was so much fun. Jeane Oliver had us scanning magazines for patterns to tear and add to our page. I am a pattern junky and have been saving patterns for years as well as creating them in Photoshop and Photoshop Elements. She also took us through using a transfer as well as a printed copy of ourselves as a base. I do not own a laser printer so opted on a painted face and stamps for this piece.

reflections of you

Ocean Bottom ATCs for the AFTCM yahoo group

By on 2-17-2015 in Life Book 2015, Mixed Media

I love creating ATCs … these were made for the Art For the Creative Mind Yahoo Group. Pearled water paints on home made paper made the background. The angel fish and the sea horse were made with a stencil and a mix of modeling paste and acrylics. Seaweed was pulled from a piece of shiny cord and the bottom was made with a piece of burlap.

Ocean bottom

Light and Shadow, Apple with Tamara Laporte

By on 2-17-2015 in Life Book 2015, Mixed Media

This week’s Life Book 15 lesson brought us a discussion about light and shadow with Lynn Whipple plus a lesson on light and shadow while drawing an apple with Tamara Laporte. This was another fun lesson, as I love light and shadow which adds so much depth to a piece. Thanks to Tamara I am becoming comfortable with graphite and using it as an art medium rather than just as a pencil for getting a sketch down on paper. I ordered a graphite stick and used it for the first time on this piece and I love the freedom the stick gives me.


Vintage Central European Costume images

By on 2-17-2015 in Life Book 2015, Mixed Media

These images are free to use for your personal use. If you want to use one for a swap that’s fine too but not for sale. Each image is 4 inches high and big enough to use on most swap pieces. The colours are fantastic but the images themselves are a bit soft which will bring a grungy and worn look to anything you may use them on.

Central European Costumes

Unraveling through mark making with Jenny Doh

By on 2-17-2015 in Life Book 2015, Mixed Media

We were introduced to Jenny Doh earlier in the year with an interview and this week we watched her play with her paints and inks. Awesome playfulness became this Fantastical Awesome Gilded Awk … not Auk because my guy is awkward but splendid. I turned my page and he came calling. He whispered that he was a gilded awk and of course I had to oblige. His little buddies came about after I had thought I had finished and was drying the piece. Out they came with their part of the story.
