Time challenge, Life Book Lesson 16 with Alena Hennesy

By on 4-15-2015 in Life Book 2015, Mixed Media, Original Quilts

What a great lesson with Alena. We got our hands down and dirty with paint creating marks and working the background and when we finished with that we then went on to bring out a drawing on top. I used a brush pen to create the flowers and sun. We were also to challenge ourselves with a 10 minute time deadline. Anybody who knows me knows I can’t do that …I am the proverbial turtle. I get things done but can’t do it quickly so I didn’t stress myself out trying to fit my art into the time frame.


Inner Artist Guardian with Tamara Laporte

By on 3-22-2015 in Life Book 2015, Mixed Media

Meet my Inner Artist Guardian, a painting lesson for week 11 with Tamara Laporte. She will protect me from my inner artistic self when she decides to listen to her inner critic. I did not focus much on the background because I want to concentrate on painting the faces. When I first started working with a 2B pencil on top of the paint I wasn’t sure I like it but as I get used to working this way and leaving behind all my ideas of using pencil and different kinds of paint in one portrait I am loving it. Sketching is my first love and this combines paint and sketching so all is good.

inner artist

Week 11 of Life Book 2015 with Jane Davenport

By on 3-17-2015 in Life Book 2015, Mixed Media

This was an interesting exercise and I definitely want to do more of these. Jane’s lesson had us create just the top part of a figure but when I saw this poppy tissue paper I knew she needed a dress of poppies so went for a half-sized figure instead. My faces are getting better but when I was finished I found she looks a bit cock-eyed. This is somewhat like I look when I first get up in the morning … especially my hair lol

week 11

Tree of Life with Tamara LaPorte, add on to Lesson 9 of Life Book 2015

By on 2-28-2015 in Life Book 2015, Mixed Media

This does not look anything like Tam’s but when comparing my little girl with my tightrope walker from January she is showing improvement which pleases me. I watched the video and then didn’t work on the piece for a week so didn’t get all the steps in at the right time. This meant I had to fudge it a bit in places. I left her with no shoes because that is how I love to walk … barefoot in the grass, wiggling my toes and feeling the coolness of the leaves.

tree of life