Love and Light with Danielle Donaldson

By on 2-24-2015 in Life Book 2015, Mixed Media

These little girls were fun fun fun to do. Danielle wanted us to cut her out and place her on a clothespin and add story words to a cup and attach her. I just simply wanted to keep painting little girls so that is what I did. Paper dolls and water paints .. is there anything better? I think not. The first one was done as Danielle did and I used her supplied pattern and the second one I changed from the pattern. The second two I drew myself and I also gave them big smiles.

love and light
love and light

Layers of you with Tamara Laporte

By on 2-24-2015 in Life Book 2015, Mixed Media

This piece was done with a magazine ad of a face and painted over. The woman had a coffee cup in her hands and I placed forget me nots to not forget to value myself as much as I do others in my life. I gave her grey hair because I have grey hair. She is me after all.

layers of you

Inner Warrior Princess with Andrea Gomoll

By on 2-24-2015 in Life Book 2015, Mixed Media

I loved Andrea’s tutorial for last week’s Life Book lesson. It was another fun piece to do and I am finding my faces look more like they should and less overpainted. This piece used water colour for most of it and I love working with water colours, especially when using crayons. I am still following my sun and the crows are leading the way. If you have followed my blog you know I love the crows as they fly up to the sun and glide down on the thermals, trusting they will lift them lovingly as they slowly come back to earth. It can take longer than 10 minutes to come all the way down again. They are the only birds I know that love to simply play as if they have no worries in the world.

Inner Warrior Princess

Reflections of you with Jeanne Oliver for Life Book 2015

By on 2-24-2015 in Life Book 2015, Mixed Media

My latest piece for Life Book 2015 was so much fun. Jeane Oliver had us scanning magazines for patterns to tear and add to our page. I am a pattern junky and have been saving patterns for years as well as creating them in Photoshop and Photoshop Elements. She also took us through using a transfer as well as a printed copy of ourselves as a base. I do not own a laser printer so opted on a painted face and stamps for this piece.

reflections of you

Light and Shadow, Apple with Tamara Laporte

By on 2-24-2015 in Life Book 2015, Mixed Media

This week’s Life Book 15 lesson brought us a discussion about light and shadow with Lynn Whipple plus a lesson on light and shadow while drawing an apple with Tamara Laporte. This was another fun lesson, as I love light and shadow which adds so much depth to a piece. Thanks to Tamara I am becoming comfortable with graphite and using it as an art medium rather than just as a pencil for getting a sketch down on paper. I ordered a graphite stick and used it for the first time on this piece and I love the freedom the stick gives me.
