I have begun one of my bucket list items and that is to join AWAKE. This has been on my list since it opened and I am very please with the course itself. It is set up much like a university/college course which includes coaches. If you are on the fence and wondering if you should join then feel assured that it is worth every penny you spend on it …. if this was a university course it would cost you thousands of dollars. I can sit in my cozy little home and work at this course when it is ‘my time’.
Here are the next 4 pieces I did for the Photoshop Artistry course challenges.

I love this vintage rose image which I found in an old book. Robert Frost is one of my favourite poets. When I was a young girl in Toronto I can remember my mother pointing him out when he was in a Christmas parade. I was only 5 but I remember that time well and it wasn’t until I was an adult that I discovered who he was and his work but that event has always stuck in my mind like it was meant to be.

Dragonflies mean summer to me and it’s always a pleasure when those iridescent and delicate bugs land near me and take my breath away. These dragonflies were gleaned from an old book.

These crows and the sunrise were captured one early morning. The crows are a pair that had been with us for several years and we knew each other well. Now we have moved from our country place and I wonder if they became attached to the new people who now own our old house … probably not. I think it was a once in a lifetime relationship.

You may recognize my little dragon from other posts on my blog. Arty for short has his own story and will appear time and time again as our adventures continue and he grows into a full grown fire breathing dragon.