June flowers and a fallen willow
A very pretty ground cover grows under our Chinese elm tree. The variegated leaves below the flowers gives the photo a painted look….the photo was taken from above in the shade of the elm.
This wild asparagus plant has been growing for over 40 years. We had a little dog that used to seek it out and chomp it down as quickly as it could grow, she loved it. It grows into this huge tall fern every year and this year it has numerous blossoms.
These little bells give a misty quality to the photo, so many different shades of green.
Our weeping willow still has one living side, for how long I don’t know….it is one of my favourite trees. It is over 40 years old as well. Poor old tree has been hit several times by lightning, lost large limbs during the ice storm in 1998 and the half that is missing was blown down during a winter wind storm. It would make a good subject for a landscape quilt.