Embroidered Silk Collages

By on 12-09-2010 in art quilts, Embroidery, Vintage Patterns

embroidered silk

Silk…..these collages were published in the McCall’s Needlework Fall/Winter 1973/74 magazine….. is the fabric of choice for many thread artists now. What a great way to practice your stitches using these two patterns. Although they are over 30 years old they still hold up today. The patterns could also be done on wool felt or painted cottons. Colours could be chosen to match your home’s interior decorations. Box frames would give them a completely new look.


Here is one pattern. If you want both patterns you can download them here, in PDF format:
Embroidered Silk Collages, McCall’s Needlework Fall/Winter 1973/74 magazine

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